Wednesday, July 11, 2012

i’ve got no better name for this than “introduction”

This is a blog based on my years of experience (folly of) writing for and directing funny, talented people. Many of which didn’t know how funny they were. Until they stopped trying to be funny.

So to whom am I talking? Actors, yes. Writers and producers, yes. Clients, eventually. But mostly actors. I love actors and comedians. And even those brave enough to step in front of a microphone for the first time.

Then there are those who have been told for years that they have beautiful voices and should do commercials. They may be right. But I like imperfect, odd and unique voices. Not many people have told them they should be in commercials. They think, “Gosh, they’ve got a funny voice.”

Then there are the people who believe in their hearts that they are funny. These people are usually not funny at all. Think of Bruno Kirby as Lieutenant Hauk in “Good Morning, Vietnam.” “Sir, in my heart I know I’m funny.” 

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