Thursday, August 9, 2012

a thrilling missive

Just got this very thrilling missive from a recent student. She describes exactly what we try to accomplish in our classes - curiousity, non-judgement and openness. Actors, people for that matter, don't know how funny they are until they start at a place of authenticity. 

"As you may remember, I expressed a bit of anxiety early on about being able to be "real." Getting to this place of being myself--I mean, who's that? I still can't quite put my finger on exactly what it was that got transformed in there, but, whatever it was, I know it stemmed from the trust we had in you. Because you were open, real and available. You explored and questioned with us--without judgment. You were curious and delighted to learn something new. How infectious is that?!  

I had a notion, coming into this, about comedy-- and it didn't include me. Even though I'd done funny parts in plays years ago, in my mind there were the funny people and the rest of us. But the gift you just gave me is the realization that when relaxed, listening and available, funny things can happen--even for me.

But here's the thing--now, every time I go into the booth to audition I imagine you out there. And I think of what it was like to just tell a story. Not acting being real. Being real. Being me. And I suppose that's it. That's what you gave us. I have a reference, now, to what's real, to that elusive "me" behind the mic."

I hope you get a thousand jobs.

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